Unique — Not Special

No one is special, yet everyone is undeniably unique. There is a significant difference between these two perspectives. 

Trying to stand out as someone special inevitably sets you up for competition, frustration, isolation, and suffering. You will eventually realize that there is nothing inherently special about you. You are one cell among billions; nothing makes you intrinsically more valuable or more important than the next person. Everything that can happen to others can also happen to you.

On the other hand, embracing your uniqueness is based on acceptance—of both yourself and others—without any desire to compete or change any aspect of your experience. This acceptance allows you to appreciate how Nature expresses itself through you, effortlessly and spontaneously.

The very idea of specialness is a misinterpretation of the facts: no one truly stands alone; we are all integral parts of something far greater than ourselves. Recognizing your uniqueness acknowledges the undeniable truth that what you are, what you do, and what you create is absolutely unique and irreplaceable. It has never happened before and will never happen again. Far from being in conflict with anything or anyone, it's a pure expression of universal creativity.

Understanding this, why then would anyone trade their uniqueness—which is essentially pure creativity—with a world of illusions that only creates more frustrations, division and conflict?

IMF - La Cathédrale Verte - 15 of october 2024


No One Knows

