
The real question isn't about whose point of view is better—yours, mine or the other’s. Rather, it's whether we can acknowledge that what we often consider the truth is merely just a perspective, deeply shaped by our conditioning.

In time, unquestioned-perspectives become beliefs, and beliefs become the bricks of reality. They become us—or rather, who and what we take ourselves to be. They also dictate what life is and how it should be lived

Beliefs are rooted in the past; there is nothing actual about them. By constantly carrying around a world of beliefs, intimacy with actuality, here and now, remains obscured. If nothing comes to shake our certainties, no true exploration is possible.

Freedom lies in realizing that there is no final truth to be found anywhere. There are no absolutely valid frames of reference for anything. All are flawed, as they are based on the false premise that there is such a thing as an observer who knows itself and therefore can know the world. 

No matter who you believe yourself to be, no matter how many complex, elegant, and subtle theories there are about everything, no matter all the beliefs or the so-called knowledge accumulated by humanity to this day, you—along with the whole of reality you live in—remain fundamentally a mystery to yourself. This cannot be changed. It is simply not within the capacity of the mind to even begin to comprehend what is truly happening here or how it is happening. If it cannot be known nor understood by the mind, the mystery can nonetheless be lived. It is already being lived. This too cannot be changed.

Truth isn’t an object that can be possessed. The only way to approach truth is to be it—meaning to rediscover ourselves and the world constantly, every day, in every moment. To keep looking at everything and everyone with fresh new eyes, as if we were eternal children. To never settle for any version of anything, and to embrace all from a “no-one’s perspective”—a perspective free from the burden of the most erroneous and limiting belief of all: “I know myself; this is me; I am such and such”.

IMF - La Cathédrale Verte - 12 of october 2024


Unique — Not Special


You are not what you think