No One Knows

“In the final analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve”

Max Plank

We wait to be told who we are by people who don’t know who they are, so that we can all pretend we know who we are and what we’re doing here.

Then, unfulfilled by and constrained within those fabricated identities, we turn against each other, seeking consolation in conflict—convinced that existing in opposition to one another is still better than facing the vast emptiness within and without.

The truth is surprisingly simple—no one truly knows anything. Not because we aren’t clever enough or still on the way, but because we misunderstand what knowing really means.

By its very nature, reality is unknowable and unthinkable. A few recognize this, and fewer still live by that recognition. The rest are either pretending or mistaking dreams for reality.

To believe that thought—which is mechanical, based on the past and living by abstractions—could ever grasp the simplicity, immediacy, and freedom of this present moment would be like assuming that the finger is the moon it is pointing at.

Reality completely transcends our concepts and theories. The intelligence of thought simply can’t compare in nature, power or creativity to the intelligent energy that is existence itself.

We can pretend, act as if human thought holds some kind of higher authority, and build complex belief systems around that illusion. And we can draw others too into those belief systems.

Ultimately, it’s all storytelling. The only truth, if there is one, is that there is no truth to be found anywhere—as Socrates once said, "I know that I know nothing."

Reality is an unsolvable, glorious, free-falling, infinitely kaleidoscopic mystery. You can try interpreting it in every possible way, moving pieces around, pushing buttons here and there and see what happens. But, fundamentally, it is what it is and it is always going to remain that—a complete mystery. 

Can we embrace it as it is? Can we let go of our obsession with certainty and control? There is nothing to get and nothing to hold on to, whether in the material, intellectual, or spiritual fields. There is literally no consistency to anything. There is no end to waiting, hoping, or trying to understand. It is all wonderfully hopeless.

The nature of thought is to try to change what is into an imaginary “what should be”. By doing so, it creates a filter that inhibits the possibility of recognizing and fully appreciating the perfection that is already here: Being, consciousness, life, existence, or however we want to call it.

All reality consists of is that mysterious unfolding of this present moment which, despite being weightless and having no duration, contains everything and is everything, in the most absolute sense. 

No amount of clinging to the past will ever revive it, and no amount of desire for a future outcome will ever change the fundamental nature of what this is. 

Within the light of awareness, existence comes to life. That is all. And that alone is an extremely profound fact. Thought will keep dismissing this fact as trivial, uninteresting or just “not enough”. Yet this is an absolute miracle unfolding right before your eyes.

The Big Bang isn’t an hypothetical event that took place in the distant past. It is precisely what this is, here and now. You cannot be late to the party. As a matter of fact, you are in the middle of it and there is nowhere else to go. 

No matter how much you might wish to escape the mystery, you can’t. How could you? You are it. 

IMF, La Cathédrale verte, 4 of Novembre 2024


Nothing Personal


Unique — Not Special