
We can’t wait for things to go our way to allow peace into our lives. We need to start with gratitude first. To begin with, gratitude for all the things we never see, so busy are we pursuing the big things that we never get:

Gratitude for being able to take another breath, for being able to see yet another sunset, for having a moment with a loved one.

Why do we act with such arrogance, so convinced that life owes us something special? The truth is, it doesn’t. Life owes us nothing at all—It may give us everything we desire on one day and take it all back on the next day. We have no control over it. All the desires arising from the "me" and its distorted views will ultimately make no difference.

So for the rest of our lives, we may well keep waiting for things to be a certain way and completely miss what is already here and now. Or we could recognize that anything we have is a gift.

It’s all given to us for free. Starting from the basics: being here, being alive. We might very well never have existed. But we have.

One can do what one wants with it, but here, it feels like a free ticket to an incredible show—the best in town! We’re already in the projection room, and the movie is already playing. So why not let go of expectations, sit back, and let the story unfold as it’s meant to?

IMF - 4th of August 2024


You are not what you think


Art is about you