Prints for Myanmar

Here you will find Platinum-Palladium prints based on photograph of places and people I’ve taken during several long stays in Myanmar between 2018 and 2020. As you may know, Myanmar is currently going throught a deep humanitarian crisis, as a consequence to the 1st february 2021 military coup that forced a population of 54 millions back into a state of fear, uncertianity, and for many, extrême poverty. All revenues from the sales of these prints will be donated to trusted associations that work directly with locals in Myanmar, ensuring this money will be distributed to those who most need it. Please contact me directly for prices and details at

The use of Platinum and Palladium salts for photographic printing goes back to the early age of photography (circa 1840). Because of their unparralleled longevity and unmatched richness of grey tones, the Platinum and Palladium prints are considered as one of the finest and most beautiful expressions of the photographic Art. I carefully craft each of my prints myself. Many of them require several days of fine tuning before I get to the desired result. I use papers of the highest quality - mainly pure cotton archival types of papers. Each print is unique and represent the final extension of my desire to share with others the beauty of the people and the things that I photograph. If taken good care of, it is said that a Platinum-Palladium print can last a thousand years.