We are all fruits of the same tree, its branches extend into the infinite,
its roots draw sustenance from the eternal.

Gracefully nested beneath the vast canopy of an ancient tree, a timeless sanctuary, immersed in silence, awaits the passage of the seasons.

Known as The Ark, or affectionately in the neighborhood as La Cathédrale Verte – the Green Cathedral – this one-of-a-kind temple was created to unite art, spirituality, and nature within a single, harmonious expression.

This living temple is a monument to impermanence, an invitation to reconnect with Nature and enjoy a moment of simple wonder, immersed in a truly unique setting. 

Located near Lausanne, Switzerland, The Ark welcomes those who wish to discover its secrets. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to book a visit.

You can send a message by whats app at this number +4179 633 80 52 or write an e mail at:


Paradise - Bagan, Myanmar