The World Within
“Become aware of what is in you. Announce it. Pronounce it. Give birth to it.”
Meister Eckhart
Some fruits grow fast, while others need longer maturation periods. There are all sorts of sizes, shapes, colors, textures and flavors in Nature. All have their place and their reason to be.
One of the traps in life is to fall for external validations before fully committing to our inner world, our direct experience, our intuitions, our particular vision, cherishing them, nurturing them, so that they can grow into the kind of fruits they are meant to become. No one else but you knows your real treasures, and no one else but you can ensure that these treasures are well taken care of.
While teachers, friends, family, and society in general, may provide guidance and support, our true potential lies in the complete acceptance and embodiment of our innermost nature. Acquired knowledge and external validations are of little value if we are unable to recognize the value of that rich and fertile ground within, that vast space pregnant with infinite potentialities, acknowledge our own truth, and trust our own experience.
The maturation of our inner world is a natural process, unique to each of us. It will unfold organically as long as it remain unhindered and undisturbed by confusion and false expectations. Have patience, trust your experience, delve deeper into it, make the inquiry into your own nature your primary source of joy, your highest authority, above all else. The seeds will eventually grow into a large tree and come to fruition in a way that will be unique to you. That is what you were born for.
The true teacher resides within. Stop and listen. Its wisdom will enlighten your steps and show you how to best contribute to the world authentically, even in times when there won’t be any perceived retributions. All you need to do is to turn your attention within, rediscover who you really are and live from there.