Welcome to my Website !
My name is Ivan Maria Friedman. Since my youngest age, music has been an endless source of satisfaction, a fuel for my imagination that helps me reinterpret the world in a thousand different ways.
As life went on, I discovered that I could also take photographs and edit short films, and I really enjoyed it. I felt enthusiastic about the possibility to combine these different disciplines and apply to one the formal principles that I could observe into the others.
Music gave me a chance to explore the depths of my own mind, to reflect on the meanings of life and death, and thought me to recognize the harmonic patterns, both into myself and in the manifested world that surrounds us all. Photography and Cinematography gave me a chance to travel and witness the staggering beauty of this world, meet incredible people and… one of the most important things : be in Nature.
In these forms of expressions and their inter-relatedness I see a field of possibilities to study aliveness from a wide variety of perspectives, to develop my own vision, and along with it maybe, my own voice, with which to share what I find beautiful with other human beings, and continue to ask myself the fascinating question of all:
What is this moment? What is this experience we are all having… life? And what is it all about ?